Idea Details


Last activity 01-07-2020 12:40
George Miller's profile image
By: George Miller
01-07-2020 12:40

In December 2018, ABFM launched a pilot to study the feasibility and validity of an alternative to the one-day family medicine certification examination, called Family Medicine Certification Longitudinal Assessment (FMCLA). This approach to the assessment of cognitive expertise is more aligned with adult learning principles, promoting more enduring learning, retention, and transfer of knowledge than infrequent, episodic examinations.

The FMCLA pilot evaluation will be conducted over several years in order to collect enough feedback and data to evaluate the quality, effectiveness, and acceptability of the program. Participant feedback is sought and reviewed at multiple steps along the way. This information will be used in continuous improvement of the process.

In 2019, the pilot was initially limited to Diplomates whose current certification was due to end December 31, 2019. Thanks to a successful initial year, family physicians who are currently certified and have their 10-year examination requirement due before December 31, 2020 will have the option to participate in FMCLA in 2020.

01-07-2020 12:40

Think this is a great certification program